Looking Back

Looking Back

CEF of AAPG rocked it this summer!

Two 5-Day Clubs were conducted this summer.

Greenbelt Bible Church hosted a club in July. Over 25 children were led by a team of volunteers who shared Bible stories, action songs, Bible memory verses, and also had fun with crafts, snacks and outdoor play. The older students took a special interest in memorizing the daily Bible verses and did a fantastic job of sharing them each day.

In August, Ms. Ephranie Chapman conducted a 5-Day Club in Lanham, MD. Ms. Chapman leads a Good News Club at Glenn Dale Elementary, and in the summer, she leads a 5-Day Club at her home. The club met on Zoom for the first 4 days, and on the final day over 30 children met outdoors at Ms. Chapman’s home where the children received book bags, notebooks, and Bibles. A Gospel presentation was given by Pastor Hugh Holmes (picture on right). God used this presentation to save 8 children who prayed to receive Jesus as Savior. What a blessing for their labor and for the Kingdom!